Monday, December 12, 2022

Electric cooking can be cheaper than gas cooking in Ghana

2000W electric cookers use about 2 units (kWh) per hour if operated at full power for an entire hour.

Each unit of electricity costs between GHS0.44001825 and GHS1.630375775. Both are tax inclusive.

GHS0.44001825 is specifically for Residential accounts that need 30 units or fewer a month.

So, in a 30-day month, that's about 30 minutes of a 2000W electric stove at full power, without lighting and without phones being charged. 

If 30.1 units are accidentally used, there will either be a bill of about +GHS23.55 or there will be a disconnection. 

Starting from 30, the next 270 units are GHS0.9349431 each.

If not eligible for Lifeline (a discount), the first 30 units are then also GHS0.9349431 each. If the first 30 units were initially sold for GHS0.44001825 each, the new price is billed.

In addition to the cost of electricity itself, there is an additional monthly fee. The Residential monthly fee is GHS2.13 if eligible for a discount, else it is GHS10.730886. The Non-Residential (i.e. commercial) monthly fee is GHS14.603187875, tax inclusive, and there cannot be a discount.

So, 0.44001825 may be disregarded. Each unit of electricity costs between GHS0.9349431 and GHS1.630375775. Both are tax inclusive.

0.9349431 * 2 * 31 = GHS57.9664722. So, residential accounts that have between 30.1 and 238 units (GHS38 to GHS233 cedis) bought every month will about require about GHS58 more every month if a 2000W electric cooker is used at full power for 1 hour in a 31-day month.

1.630375775 * 2 * 31 = GHS101.08329805. So, non-residential accounts that have over 600 units bought every month will require about GHS102 more every month if a 2000W electric cooker is used at full power for 1 hour in a 31-day month.

GHS57.9664722–GHS101.08329805 per month.

Compare it with the price of gas (LPG), its price close to when this page was written is given near the top of this page. In addition to the price of gas itself, there's a need to go to a station. Which normally means there's also a need to spend fuel or to take dropping.

The cost of an electric stove may be GHS150+. However, this is cheaper than a gas stove, cylinder (subject to change), regulator, and hose, plus routine replacements.

A low voltage will slow down or stop electric stoves. The voltage is low if lights are dimmer and fans are slower than normal. If the voltage is low, then an expensive stabilizer may be required, the stabilizer required depends on how much power the electric stove uses. Electric stoves will overload 1000VA-2000VA stabilizers. Electricity consumption and heating can vary depending on the voltage.

If light off (a power outage) occurs, electric stoves will, of course, not work, but gas will continue to work. An electric stove may spoil if the electricity supplied to it is unreliable.

Electric stoves require less ventilation than gas and charcoal.

The price of electricity can be expected to change soon. There is to be a "Quarterly Tariff Adjustment", according to the regulator. The price of LPG gas can also be expected to change over time.

There are many types of electric stove.

There's the coil type. On each burner, there's a coil that simply gets hot. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to clean, and if the coil cracks, then there's a risk of electric shock.

There's the plate type, which is most likely the most common type of electric stove in Ghana. On each burner, there's a plate that gets hot. The stove works at full power. There's a knob that adjusts temperatures tolerated by a thermostat. When the thermostat gets hot enough, there's a distinct sound and the stove is automatically switched off until the thermostat gets cold enough, then it switches on at full power again. This continues until the knob is turned to the off position or the stove is otherwise switched off or unplugged.

There are infrared/ceramic cookers and induction cookers.

Infrared/ceramic cookers and induction cookers are uncommon in Ghana. 

These have a glass surface, that, unfortunately, may be cracked, or may be scratched by certain types of pans. Glass may crack without something falling onto it, harsh temperature changes may crack it. But with a glass surface, the risk of electric shock is minimal.

These have a fan that cool the electronics inside. If a power outage occurs while cooking and the pan is not removed, the cooker might be cooked because the fan isn't cooling it.

Infrared cookers use infrared to cook. The glass surface may get hot too.

Induction cookers use magnets to heat the pan. The pan must be magnetic, else an induction cooker simply won't work. By only using magnets, the time it takes from water being at room temperature to boiling is similar to the time required by gas stoves and electric kettles (electric kettles are good at heating water). If the induction cooker is basic, then a low temperature setting causes it to cycle between full power and switched off. Because the delay of an induction cooker is low, such a cycle may negatively impact frying. Basic infrared cookers can sustain low temperatures.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Glo Ghana can be faster than MTN and Vodafone

 MTN Speed Test:

Vodafone Speed Test:

Glo Speed Test:

Now why did that happen?

1. Interference. "Interference" sounds evil, but in this case it is not the evil type. Instead, it just happens naturally. Licensed transmitters interfere with one another, which can really be a problem if there are many cell sites.

2. Sharing. Sharing is caring, and sharing 4G is no exception. It would not make sense to wait for everyone else to disconnect once they're done using 4G, so, everyone in the area shares.

3. Signal Strength - mostly for MTN.

There may be other reasons but there is not enough data to analyze at the moment.

620 01 is MTN. SINR: -9 = Significant interference, SINR: -3 = Interference, RSRQ: -18 = Interference, RSRP: -112 = weak signal.

620 02 is Vodafone. RSRQ: -15 = Sharing, SINR: -2 = Interference. The SINR remains similar in the IDLE state.

620 03/10762 is Tigo. The Glo SIM gets a cell site associated with Tigo. Also, the ISP is detected as Zain. So, similar results should be achievable with an AirtelTigo SIM. Ec/Io:-8 is ambiguous, so it is worth mentioning that it is caused by sharing. The Ec/Io was approximately between -5 and -12 before and after testing. Interference levels on 10762 were low, so, the Glo SIM was able to outperform the MTN and the Vodafone SIM.

Glo is sometimes simply perceived as slow, yet Glo can outperform other networks sometimes. So it is best to try a variety of networks until the one that's the best (at home or in the office) is determined.

It still does not mean that MTN and Vodafone are slow. For example, the image below is Vodafone at another location and another time. Interference levels are low, sharing's there but it's not like a traffic jam. 

It achieved a download speed of 56.9/150 and an upload speed of 37.2/53. Good performance from Vodafone, but the location tested in is deliberately ideal, the speed will be slower just by walking away for a few minutes. 

Other networks/BWAs are affected alike, high interference levels in certain buildings is not really a problem that can be corrected.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Vodafone Ghana 'Band 28'

If a phone supports Band 28 but doesn't support Band 20, Vodafone Ghana may still be detected. This is because the downlink (site to phone) frequencies for the center part of its Band 20 are a part of Band 28.

There's a difference in the frequencies phones transmit around.

On Band 20, phones transmit around 798.5 + 41 = 839.5

On Band 28, phones transmit around 798.5 - 55 = 743.5


Cur Time : 62.512sec
drop count = 0, drop time = 0.0sec, high water mark = 0
     0.001 init
16:02:16.180 ST=1 LTE_SUSPEND
16:02:16.195 ST=1 3G_CellSelection
16:02:16.398 ST=2 LTE_CellSelection
16:02:16.401 ST=2 LTE_CellSelection
16:02:34.127 ST=2 LTE_CC0_rx mode=3, LTE_BW=4
16:02:34.146 ST=2 LTE_CellSelection
Cur Time : 62.512sec
Used msg ram = 0.0 %
Elapsed time for making this log = 0.0 sec

Cur Time : 62.621sec
drop count = 0, drop time = 0.0sec, high water mark = 0
     0.001 init
16:02:16.308 [LTE NAS][UE-->NW] DetachRequest [Type: COMBINED_POWER_OFF][Reason: NONE]
16:02:16.308 [LTE NAS] SAEMM_NsDetReq_DeregiLimited
16:02:16.308 [LTE NAS] To send NOT_REGI status in NET_REGI_NTF in case of power-off detach
16:02:34.115 [LTE RRC] MasterInformationBlock
16:02:34.138 [LTE RRC] SystemInformationBlockType1
16:02:34.235 [LTE RRC] MasterInformationBlock
16:02:34.258 [LTE RRC] SystemInformationBlockType1
16:02:34.258 [LTE RRC] Pmax = 23
16:02:34.258 [LTE RRC][F] Add RRC barring List Earfcn(9615) Tbarred(300000) FreqBarr(1)
Cur Time : 62.621sec
Used msg ram = 0.0 %
Elapsed time for making this log = 0.0 sec

The Band 28 phone selected the frequency but did not attempt to connect. The channel number is now barred by it, so the phone doesn't select it again. Center frequencies overlap, but the radio frequency channel numbers are not the same. It's 6225 on Band 20, 9615 on Band 28.

Here's the SystemInformationBlockType1:

  message: c1 (0)
    c1: systemInformationBlockType1 (1)
          plmn-IdentityList: 1 item
            Item 0
                  mcc: 3 items
                    Item 0
                      MCC-MNC-Digit: 6
                    Item 1
                      MCC-MNC-Digit: 2
                    Item 2
                      MCC-MNC-Digit: 0
                  mnc: 2 items
                    Item 0
                      MCC-MNC-Digit: 0
                    Item 1
                      MCC-MNC-Digit: 2
                cellReservedForOperatorUse: notReserved (1)
          trackingAreaCode: 9c54 [bit length 16, 1001 1100  0101 0100 decimal value 40020]
          cellIdentity: 0023e020 [bit length 28, 4 LSB pad bits, 0000 0000  0010 0011  1110 0000  0010 .... decimal value 146946]
          cellBarred: notBarred (1)
          intraFreqReselection: allowed (0)
          .... ..0. csg-Indication: False
          q-RxLevMin: -128dBm (-64)
        freqBandIndicator: 20
        schedulingInfoList: 2 items
          Item 0
              si-Periodicity: rf16 (1)
              sib-MappingInfo: 1 item
                Item 0
                  SIB-Type: sibType3 (0)
          Item 1
              si-Periodicity: rf64 (3)
              sib-MappingInfo: 2 items
                Item 0
                  SIB-Type: sibType6 (3)
                Item 1
                  SIB-Type: sibType7 (4)
        si-WindowLength: ms40 (6)
        systemInfoValueTag: 20
              q-QualMin-r9: -18 dB

How it knows not to connect by transmitting on the wrong frequency is likely thanks to the freqBandIndicator.

Having both 20 and 28 indicated does not make sense, because...

1. the uplink (phone to site) frequency is still different, and authorization is required before a frequency can be used for a network.

2. some of the downlink frequencies are out of the bounds of Band 28.

If there are two bands where the only difference is the minimum and/or maximum frequency, and the frequencies fully qualify for both bands, Multi Freq Band Indicator (MFBI) can then be used, so that phones that support either band can connect.

Phones must have Band 20 to use its 4G, even if it appears while manually searching for networks in phones that can only use Band 28.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

MTN Ghana Band 3 4G activated

It may have a capacity of 75Mbps / 100Mbps / 200Mbps, because its bandwidth is 10MHz. The capacity depends on the technology available between phones and the tower.

Normally, this frequency is used for MTN's 2G, not 4G. Yet, the frequency was used for 4G at least once and in at least one area. A partial refarm.

It can be seen that Band 3 4G is in use with the *#0011# service menu on a Samsung phone.

Band 3 can also be added for carrier aggregation. In the screenshot, Band 3 and Band 20 are used together. Unfortunately, other metrics in the screenshot don't look good, but please do not guess that it's a problem with how the network is set up.

Other towers signal the availability of 4G Band 3. The phone's ability to reselect is available after 5 seconds of sending or receiving no data, handovers (network-assisted 'reselections') are performed otherwise.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

New electricity bills in Ghana won't really be 27.15% more

The commonly given advice that each electricity bill will be close to 27.15% more can be misleading.

Instead, disregard "27.15%", unless you're interested in statistics. 

The new tariffs are actually complicated. Let's analyze the document. Click to enlarge.

"Residential". Residential is where people stay, either by being property owners or paying several months' advance for rent.

"Lifeline Customers". If you only use electricity for small or medium-sized modern light bulbs, charging your phone, and you don't share your meter, you qualify for the lifeline tariffs. If you use a fridge or a fan, you might not qualify for the lifeline tariffs.

If you have a blender, it doesn't necessarily mean you don't qualify, though it uses much it is only on for a few minutes at most so it does not have much time to use power.

What matters is the amount you pay every month. 

"I pay 5 cedis a month": Then you will pay 5.82 cedis a month, 16.4% more.

Why 5.82? Let's look at the document again.

You qualify to be a Lifeline Customer.

The old price is 32.6060 Pesewas per unit, the new price is 41.9065 Pesewas per unit. So the old price is 0.326060 Ghana Cedis per unit, the new price is 0.419065 Ghana Cedis per unit.

Also, you pay 2 taxes. There is no E-levy while buying power.

1. The National Electrification Scheme Levy (some call it "special levy"). = 2%.

2. The Public Lighting Levy (some call it "street light levy") = 3%.

To apply taxes, multiply the cost per unit by 1.05.

Also, you pay a monthly service charge of 2.13 Ghana Cedis. The new price is the same as the old price.

Old Price: 8.38×(0.326060×1.05)+2.13=5

New Price: 8.38×(0.419065×1.05)+2.13=5.82

So, you pay 5 cedis 82 pesewas for 8.38 units, instead of 5 cedis 0 pesewas for 8.38 units.

If you share your meter, it's not "I pay 5 cedis every month". It can only be calculated this way if the landlord pays ONLY 5 cedis every month to the meter.

Disclaimer: Numbers on this page are subject to rounding(up, down, or simply rounding). Errors introduced by rounding shall not exceed 1%.

"I pay 10 cedis a month": Then you will pay 12.25 cedis a month, 22.5% more.

Old Price: 22.98×(0.326060×1.05)+2.13=10

New Price: 22.98×(0.419065×1.05)+2.13=12.25

"I pay 12.40 cedis a month": Then you will pay 15.33 cedis a month, 23.63% more.

Old Price: 30×(0.326060×1.05)+2.13=12.40

New Price: 30×(0.419065×1.05)+2.13=15.33

"I pay more than 12.40 cedis a month": Then you are not a Lifeline Customer. 

Instead, you are under the category "All Other Residential Customers". Even if you were a Lifeline Customer, you will no longer be a Lifeline Customer if you still require 12.40 or more cedis worth of power in the old price.

"All Other Residential Customers". For example, you have a fan and a fridge. Or you use an electric stove. Or you use a borehole/well water pump. Or you share a meter with others.

0-300 kWh. If 300 or fewer units or credits are bought for the meter every month, it is easy to calculate, even if the the meter is shared with others. Those who use 1 unit will pay 0.890422*1.05=0.9349431 cedis per unit. 

Also, a service charge of 10.7309 cedis (43.91% more) will be billed monthly.

"I pay 13 cedis a month": Then you will pay 40.42 cedis a month, 210.92% more.

Old Price: 31.75×(0.326060×1.05)+2.13=13

New Price: 31.75×(0.890422×1.05)+10.7309=40.42

The old tariff is not 0.654161 per unit. It's 0.326060 per unit for the first 50 units.

In the old tariff, using 50 units or fewer per month made you a Lifeline Consumer, which means you pay a service charge of 2.13 cedis per month. In the new tariff, using more than 30 units per month disqualifies you from being a Lifeline Customer, and you'll pay the 'normal' Service Charge of 10.7309 cedis.

"I pay 15 cedis a month": Then you will pay 45.89 cedis a month, 205.93% more.

Old Price: 37.60×(0.326060×1.05)+2.13=15

New Price: 37.60×(0.890422×1.05)+10.7309=45.89

"I pay 19.25 cedis a month": Then you will pay 57.48 cedis a month, 198.59% more.

Old Price: 50×(0.326060×1.05)+2.13=19.25

New Price: 50×(0.890422×1.05)+10.7309=57.48

19.25 is notable because this is the maximum that can be paid as a Lifeline Consumer in the old tariff. If 19.25 is paid, you'll get 50 units in the old tariff.

After 19.25, there is a gap, so you can't pay 20 cedis exactly.

After paying 19.25 cedis, to pay again so that you're in the category "Other Residential Consumers", you would have to pay the 'normal' Service Charge, which is 7.456947-2.13=5.326947. 

So, it's 50×(0.326060×1.05)+2.13=19.25 vs 51×(0.326060×1.05)+7.456947=24.92, i.e. buying 51 units instead of 50 in the old tariff basically wastes money.

"I pay 30 cedis a month": Then you will pay 64.87 cedis a month, 116.23% more.

This is where it starts to get complicated. 

If you know how tax brackets work, that's like how tariffs work.

Old Price: 50×(0.326060×1.05)+7.89×(0.654161×1.05)+7.456947=30

New Price: 57.89×(0.890422×1.05)+10.7309=64.86

0.654161, the "old tariff" in the document, is finally used.

The first 50 units are 0.326060 cedis per unit + tax.

The next 250 units are 0.654161 cedis per unit + tax.

"I pay 100 cedis a month": Then you will pay 160.14 cedis a month, 60.14% more.

Old Price: 50×(0.326060×1.05)+109.8×(0.654161×1.05)+7.456947=100

New Price: 159.80×(0.890422×1.05)+10.7309=160.14

"I pay 200 cedis a month": Then you will pay 296.25 cedis a month, 48.12% more.

Old Price: 50×(0.326060×1.05)+250×(0.654161×1.05)+4.15×(0.848974×1.05)+7.456947=200

New Price: 300×(0.890422×1.05)+4.15×(1.155595×1.05)+10.7309=296.25

"I pay 400 cedis a month": Then you will pay 568.49 cedis a month, 42.13% more.

Old Price: 50×(0.326060×1.05)+250×(0.654161×1.05)+228.51×(0.848974×1.05)+7.456947=400

New Price: 300×(0.890422×1.05)+228.51×(1.155595×1.05)+10.7309=568.49

"Non-Residential". Mostly commercial. A few examples were given: Hairdressing and Beauty Parlours/Salons, Barbering Shops, Tailoring and Dress Making Shops, Welding, Mechanics, Vulcanising and Carpentry Workshops.

Residential is 0.890422 cedis per unit for the first 300 units.

Non-Residential is 0.837841 cedis per unit for the first 300 units.

So it seems like Non-Residential is more affordable than Residential (except for the Service Charge), but, it is also more heavily taxed. So it is not more affordable.

1. The National Electrification Scheme Levy (some call it "special levy"). = 2%

2. The Public Lighting Levy (some call it "street light levy") = 3%

3. The National Health Insurance Levy (some call it "NHIL") = 2.5%

4. The GETFund Levy = 2.5%

5. The Value Added Tax (VAT, not "flat rate") = 12.5%

2 electricity bill calculators are available in this website: 

1. /2020/02/calculate-cost-of-electricity-in-ghana.html - Old Tariff

2. /2022/08/sep-2022-ghana-light-bill-calculator.html - New Tariff

New tariffs take effect on September 1st.

Monday, August 15, 2022

[SEP 2022] Online calculator for electricity bills in Ghana


From: 1 September 2022
Until: 1 February 2023

To be moved to /p/lightbill.html. Currently, bills from February 2023 onward can be calculated there.

Version 2022-09-01RC4

Kilowatt Hours:

Ghana Cedis:

Energy Charge:

Service Charge:

Public Lighting Levy:

National Electrification Scheme Levy:

GETFund Levy:

National Health Insurance Levy:

COVID-19 Health Recovery Levy:

Value Added Tax:

Calculate kWh (units) and money used by an electrical device per month

The electrical device uses ____W, according to its label or its box.

On average, the electrical device is active for ____ hours per day:

According to a yellow ENERGY GUIDE label or the GH Certified Appliances app, the Energy Consumption is ____ kWh/yr:

Kilowatt Hours(kWh):

Ghana Cedis(GHS):

Minimum Ghana Cedis to add after installation:

Maximum Ghana Cedis to add after installation:

Ghana Cedis already paid monthly (Total GHS):




This calculator should be compatible with the "ECG" price, "PDS" price, "VRA/NEDCo" price, "PURC" price/tariffs, and so on; though it is not affiliated with a regulator or distributor. 

It is intended to work on effectively all browsers with JavaScript enabled, including:

Internet Explorer 6 or newer

Firefox 0.8 or newer

Safari 3.0 (522.11.3) or newer

Chrome or newer

Android Browser 1.6 (3.1.2) or newer

Opera Mini 4.5 or newer

Actual compatibility will differ due to the use of https.

To obtain the cost of electricity, first obtain the wattage of the electrical device. It is located on its box, a label, a mark stamped on, its instruction manual, or its manufacturer's website.

60W is located on an incandescent bulb. Such bulbs have been replaced with more efficient technologies and shall no longer be used.

55W is located on a CFL bulb. This bulb would be brighter, though generally with a different color temperature, if it were to have the same amount of watts as the incandescent bulb.

9W is located on a LED bulb. This bulb would be brighter if it were to have the same amount of watts as the CFL bulb.

Then take note of how many hours per day it is used on average. For example:

1) 5 hours for the 9W bulb (switched on at 6PM - 11PM);

2) 5 hours for the 55W bulb (switched on at 6PM - 11PM).

Use the calculator provided.

For a 31-day month it is 1.395kWh+8.525kWh. A total of 9.92 kWh (Kilowatt Hours) can now be converted to its cost in Ghana Cedis. But it is only valid if nothing other than these 2 bulbs are connected to the meter in the month (1-31), and a margin should be given.

For GH Certified Appliances, download it here:

All calculations are approximate. The approximation can cause 0.999999 to be displayed instead of 1.000000.


Perform the calculation, intended for compatibility if it does not automatically refresh.

End-User Tariff (EUT)


Residential tariff. Non-"End-User Tariffs" are excluded.


Non-Residential. Mostly commercial. Non-"End-User Tariffs" are excluded. SLT-LV, SLT-MV, SLT-HV, SLT-HV STEEL COMPANIES, and SLT-HV MINES tariffs are excluded.


Monthly (1 to 31)

The first purchase made in a month or the total of all purchases made in a month, such as January. It is not necessarily a 31-day month.

Shared Meter

The cost per unit for you depends on the total money spent in the month. It can also be used to obtain the energy cost of a machine taking a portion of the total.

More Than Once A Month

For example January 1 then it wasn't enough, once more at January 10. Enter the previous purchase(s) in Total and the new purchase(s) in Next. The initial service charge is excluded.



Automatically removes Lifeline discounts if >30 kWh, automatically applies Lifeline discounts if ≤30 kWh.


All other residential customers.


Those who use 0-30kWh (units) a month.


These are applied to the non-residential tariff. Select it according to what appears in bills/receipts. Example: 12.5% to VAT; no CHRL. Subject to change, so the highest is selected by default.

Total KWH

Total energy use of all electrical devices connected to a meter, or the amount bought this month.

Total GHS

Total Ghana Cedis of all electrical devices connected to a meter, or the amount bought this month.

Your KWH

Your power consumption (a part of the total); intended for use with a meter being shared with others, or the power consumption of a specific electrical device only.

Your GHS

Your GHS (a part of the total); intended for use with a meter being shared with others, or the GHS of a specific electrical device only.

Next kWh

Target this kWh in the next purchase.

Next GHS

Target this GHS in the next purchase.

Kilowatt Hours

It is sometimes referred to as units or credit. It's the units displayed on meters that's not Ghana Cedis.

Ghana Cedis

Ghana Cedis (currency, GHS). There are 6 digits after the decimal point, because that's determined by the tariffs. Total tax inclusive value.

Energy Charge

Cost of the electricity bought, but it doesn't include the Service Charge or taxes.

A simple explanation: every month, there's 300 of something sold by a shop for 0.890422 Ghana Cedis each + tax. Once you buy all 300, it'll be out of stock and you can only buy it from another shop for 1.155595 Ghana Cedis each + tax, until that other shop runs out of stock. 

'Going to another shop' is done automatically. You do not need to buy units from another location.

'Shops' run out of stock per-meter. The actual cost can differ from what's given by this example.

'Shops' will restock on the first day of each month.

Service Charge

A monthly fee separate from the cost of electricity usage itself. For each meter, the service charge is billed monthly. Those who use 30kWh or less a month pay a "lifeline" service charge instead.

Public Lighting Levy

The Public Lighting Levy. It may also appear in bills or receipts as "Street Light Levy".

National Electrification Scheme Levy

The National Electrification Scheme Levy.

GETFund Levy

The Ghana Education Trust Fund Levy.

National Health Insurance Levy

The National Health Insurance Levy.

COVID-19 Health Recovery Levy

This is not necessarily applied to Non-Residential. Select taxes to calculate according to what appears in bills/receipts. Example: 12.5% to VAT; no CHRL. Subject to change, so the highest is selected by default.

Value Added Tax

It may be calculated in an unconventional way for Non-Residential. Select taxes to calculate according to what appears in bills/receipts. Example: 12.5% to VAT; no CHRL. Subject to change, so the highest is selected by default.

Update (2)

Perform the calculation.


Days in a month.

Mode (2)

Don't calculate GHS

Only calculate the kWh.

How much does it use?

An electrical device that's in use was connected to the meter for a month or more, how much does it use? Remember to specify the amount currently paid every month in "Total GHS".

How much will it use?

A new electrical device is going to be bought, how much will it use? The initial service charge is excluded. Remember to specify the amount currently paid every month in "Total GHS".

How to estimate

According to watts and hours

According to watts and hours.

According to ENERGY GUIDE

Look for an ENERGY GUIDE label or use the Certified Appliances app.

Kilowatt Hours(kWh)

Result of how much the electrical device may use every month. It's the units displayed on meters that's not Ghana Cedis.

Ghana Cedis(GHS)

If the watts and hours or ENERGY GUIDE is accurate, it's the calculated result of how much the electrical device may use every month. The "Ghana Cedis already paid monthly" must also be accurate.

Minimum Ghana Cedis to add after installation

If the watts and hours or ENERGY GUIDE is accurate, this is the minimum anyone will pay after connecting the electrical device to the meter.

Maximum Ghana Cedis to add after installation

If the watts and hours or ENERGY GUIDE is accurate, this is the maximum anyone will pay after connecting the electrical device to the meter.

Ghana Cedis already paid monthly (Total GHS):

Verify that it is correct.

Monday, May 30, 2022

MTN Ghana might start 4G LTE Band 3 services

A cell tower configured all mobile phones to switch to Band 3 when necessary.

This part of Band 3 can be linked to a part of Tigo 2G that carried traffic (AirtelTigo relies on Airtel's Band 3 spectrum instead).

It is small and doesn't do much by itself. Theoretical download speeds are up to 37Mbps or 50Mbps or 100Mbps, depending what the tower has and what the mobile phone has. Upload speeds are up to ~19Mbps or lower.

If a tower is upgraded with Carrier Aggregation(CA_3A-7A-20A), 4x4 MIMO (2/3), and 256QAM (3/3), mobile phones that also have all of these will get download speeds of up to 650Mbps. However, the theoretical speed is only between a tower and a mobile phone, a speed cap such as 200Mbps may be used (but it's not necessarily enforced), or the backhaul may be insufficient.

1Mbps = 125 KB/s.

Band 3 is sometimes called DCS, 1800, or L18 (if it's 4G).

Here's the message that configures mobile phones to switch to Band 3 when necessary. These take effect after approximately 5 seconds of inactivity. Don't count on it, it may have been added by mistake.


  message: c1 (0)

    c1: systemInformation (0)


        criticalExtensions: systemInformation-r8 (0)


            sib-TypeAndInfo: 1 item

              Item 0

                sib-TypeAndInfo item: sib5 (3)


                    interFreqCarrierFreqList: 3 items

                      Item 0


                          dl-CarrierFreq: 6375

                          q-RxLevMin: -128dBm (-64)

                          t-ReselectionEUTRA: 1s

                          threshX-High: 22dB (11)

                          threshX-Low: 40dB (20)

                          allowedMeasBandwidth: mbw75 (4)

                          .... ...0 presenceAntennaPort1: False

                          cellReselectionPriority: 6

                          neighCellConfig: No MBSFN subframes are present in all neighbour cells (1)

                      Item 1


                          dl-CarrierFreq: 1625

                          q-RxLevMin: -128dBm (-64)

                          t-ReselectionEUTRA: 1s

                          threshX-High: 8dB (4)

                          threshX-Low: 22dB (11)

                          allowedMeasBandwidth: mbw25 (2)

                          ..0. .... presenceAntennaPort1: False

                          cellReselectionPriority: 5

                          neighCellConfig: No MBSFN subframes are present in all neighbour cells (1)

                      Item 2


                          dl-CarrierFreq: 3075

                          q-RxLevMin: -128dBm (-64)

                          t-ReselectionEUTRA: 1s

                          threshX-High: 8dB (4)

                          threshX-Low: 22dB (11)

                          allowedMeasBandwidth: mbw25 (2)

                          .... .0.. presenceAntennaPort1: False

                          cellReselectionPriority: 5

                          neighCellConfig: No MBSFN subframes are present in all neighbour cells (1)

Monday, April 18, 2022

Connect to Glo Ghana through AirtelTigo Ghana towers


"To enjoy Glo data while roaming on AirtelTigo network, Go to Settings >> Mobile Data >> Data Roaming >> enable data roaming."

"If no network signal. simply go to Settings >> Mobile networks /Carrier >> disable automatic selection >>  select Airteltigo or Airteltigo (Forbidden)."

"Hello! We now have National Roaming with AirtelTigo. Continue to enjoy Glo's amazing call & data packages while being on AirtelTigo network at no extra cost."

"Dear Glo Subscriber ! We now have National Roaming with AirtelTigo. Continue to enjoy Glo's amazing call & data packages while being on AirtelTigo network at no extra cost."

"If no network signal? simply go to Settings >> Mobile networks /Carrier >> disable automatic selection >>  select Airteltigo"


Settings -> Cellular -> Cellular Data Options -> Data Roaming

Settings -> Cellular -> Network Selection


Settings -> Connections -> Mobile networks -> Data roaming

Settings -> Connections -> Mobile networks -> Network operators


Settings -> Network & Internet -> Mobile network -> Roaming or SIM & network settings -> Glo -> Roaming

Settings -> Network & Internet -> Mobile network -> Network or SIM & network settings -> Glo -> Choose network


Settings -> SIM card and mobile network -> Glo -> Roaming or Settings -> Network & internet -> Mobile network -> Roaming

Settings -> SIM card and mobile network -> Glo -> Choose network or Settings -> Network & internet -> Mobile network -> Choose network


Settings -> Network & internet -> Mobile network -> Roaming

Settings -> Network & internet -> Mobile network -> Choose network


Settings -> SIM cards & mobile networks -> Advanced settings -> Data roaming

Settings -> SIM cards & mobile networks -> Glo -> Mobile network


Settings -> "Mobile network" or "More" or "Wireless & networks" -> Mobile data -> Data roaming

Settings -> "Mobile network" or "More" or "Wireless & networks" -> Mobile data -> Carrier

A connection is then made to AirtelTigo's towers ---> AirtelTigo's network ---> Glo's network.

Aside from roaming, Glo added its other 3G network (10712) to more locations.

With a Glo SIM, use the shortcode *555# to purchase services, check your number, or check your balance. Try smaller bundles before trying bigger ones, there are a lot of factors that affect speed and connectivity.

Data bundles (1GB means ~1000MB):

Data bundles have changed.

GHc1=25All-Net mins+100MB

Ghc1 1day 500MB Night Browsing

GHc1 - 1day Campus 50MB Plan



Ghs2 - 7days 200MB Plan

GHc2-1.5GB-Sat Plan

GHc2=1.8GB for Sunday

Ghs3 - 1day 750MB Plan


Ghs5 - 30days Campus 400MB Plan

Ghs5 - 7 days 700MB Plan

Ghs8 - 7 Days 3GB Weekend Browsing



Ghs10 - 30days 1.7GB Plan

Ghs10- 30days Campus 850MB Plan

Ghs15 - 30days Campus 1.5GB Plan


4.2GB Plan (20GHS)

Ghs25- 30 Days 3GB Night Personal

Ghs30 - 30days 7GB Plan

Ghs30 - 30days 3GB Day Business








GHc300= UNLIMITED Data+ UNLIMITED Glo-Glo Voice+ 300 Min to call other network for 30 Days.

Nigeria Call&Roam (GLO Nigeria Pack):

Ghc1 = 2min 1Day

Ghc2 = 4min 5Day

Ghc5 = 11min 5Day

Ghc10 = 22min 10Day

IDD Slasher: Get upto 85% discount on calls to 200+ Top international destinations for just GH2 / Month

Top Countries: Nigeria, USA, UK-Mob, Canada, China, India, Germany, Australia, Italy, S.Arabia, UK-Fix, Sweden, Spain, Malysia, Thailand,Israel,Philippines, Kenya, Indonesia, Finland, Denmark, ...

Call Top 11 countries: US, UK -fix, Canada, India, China, Ireland, Singapore, Puerto Rico, Iceland, & Brunei

GHc1= 12 Min 2Days

GHc2= 22 Min 3Days

Ghc5=63 Min 7 Days

GHc10= 125 Min 30Days

GHc15= 188 Min 30Days

GHc20= 250 Min 30Days

GHc30= 375 Min 30 Days

GHc50= 625 Min 30 Days

GHc100= 1250 Min 30 Days


AirtelTigo does not appear.

1. Some phones can display AirtelTigo as 62003 or Tigo or Mobitel or MIC or Millicom, select that.

2. Change your settings, select 3G/2G auto. Roaming works on both.

3. Your phone must support 900MHz, 1800MHz, or 2100MHz.

4. There is no signal, wait for issues to be solved or use it in another area.

Data is slow.

1. Switch off your VPN.

2. Change your settings, select 3G only.

3. Use the phone or modem at a different time or try moving the phone or modem in any way.

4. Wait, it may be solved.

Selector displays "RAT", is my phone hacked?

No. RAT stands for Radio Access Technology, like 3G or 2G.

Selector greyed out or unavailable.

Unfortunately, this may happen on some phones or modems. Insert the SIM into some other phone or modem then select AirtelTigo to attempt to remove AirtelTigo from the forbidden networks. If your phone or modem can receive 3GPP AT commands, use AT+COPS=1,2,"62003"

No data, error 33 0x21 Requested service option not subscribed.

Do not select IPv6 in the APN settings.


How to select a network on a router?

A router tends to have a website that you can use to change its settings. Look at the router's back or its box, or try one of these:

What's the APN to use data?

name: any, APN: internet, Protocol: IPv4, empty Proxy, empty Port.

Configuration received (tested with the 300MB bundle, Glo Talk More):

Quality Of Service - Negotiated QoS

Length: 14

Spare bit(s): 0

Quality of Service Delay class: Delay class 3 (3)

Reliability class: Unacknowledged GTP/LLC, Ack RLC, Protected data (3)

Peak throughput: Up to 256 000 octet/s (9)

Spare bit(s): 0

Precedence class: Low priority (3)

Spare bit(s): 0

Mean throughput: Best effort (31)

Traffic class: Interactive class (3)

Delivery order: Without delivery order ('no') (2)

Delivery of erroneous SDUs: Erroneous SDUs are not delivered('No') (3)

Maximum SDU size: 1500 octets (150)

Maximum bitrate for uplink: 8640 kbps (254)

Maximum bitrate for downlink: 8640 kbps (254)

Residual Bit Error Rate (BER): 1*10-5 (7)

SDU error ratio: 1*10-4 (4)

Transfer delay: 100 ms (10)

Traffic handling priority: Priority level 3 (3)

Guaranteed bitrate for uplink: 512 kbps (120)

Guaranteed bitrate for downlink: 512 kbps (120)

Spare bit(s): 0

Signalling indication: Not optimised for signalling traffic

Source statistics description: unknown (0)

Maximum bitrate for downlink (extended): 16 Mbps (74)

Guaranteed bitrate for downlink (extended): Use the value indicated by the Guaranteed bit rate for downlink (0)


NAT Type (e.g. it can be important for voice and games, especially on consoles): 

Independent Mapping, Independent Filter, random port, no hairpin

Speedtest examples

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